Thursday, August 22, 2013

All My Friends Expired on Tuesday

I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time to resurrect the old blog again. Frankly, I forgot this one existed. But the title of this blog “And The Journey Starts Here” got to me. There are few things more inspiring than that. Especially at this time where I will be starting my third year of college basically from scratch. This year I will be entering an all new major, with an all new ward, living in an all new apartment complex, with roommates I haven’t met, and all my friends are end tables. 

And by end tables I mean that I will have to start from scratch with making friends again. (Again.) You see, it was pretty much like that last year, too, but then my new batch of friends also left on missions/got married (just like the first batch). In a few days, I will finish working at my current job (where I will say goodbye to yet another group of friends), and then I will be on to my reconstruction period where it will be like a feeding frenzy as I madly (try to) make friends with everyone. (Watch out south campus…)

Anyways. Not many people get the chance to start fresh and I am grateful for the opportunity. So I intend to make the best of it and learn more about myself. I want to be my best self and get closer to reaching my potential. I also intend to be awesome and boss-like in school, etc. You know, the regular stuff. 

So, without further ado, yet another journey starts here.

P.S. I think this blog will be mostly pictures because that’s what I am more comfortable with.

“Each day of your life, strive to enlarge your own circle of friendship” (“Be Thou an Example of the Believers,” Ensign, Nov. 2010, 48).

Mission Photos

 My roommate needed some last minute mission pictures taken. Enter Kristy. I'm pretty new though at taking portraits, so it was a good thing that we knew each other well so posing wasn't  awkward.

Her brother's name tag.

Serving in Tempe, Arizona (Hence the flag.)
100% Natural Reaction
In this picture she was asking me if I would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized...
This was her reaction when I said yes. :)