Monday, April 28, 2014

Well, I'm no longer living in Provo

Hey guys! I haven't posted in a while because finals week was coming and it was crunch time. But now I am done with my junior year in college and finals went okay! Hopefully I'll be able to find interesting things to post about. Anyways, I have a few leftovers from my pictures of Provo. So here are a few of them. There were so many times that I felt like a weirdo. I mean, how do you cover up walking on the side of the road and then creepily stopping and taking pictures of stuff while people walk past you? I dunno.

First there was this killer sunset happening when I was walking home from finishing a huge project in the lab.

You can probably now tell that I think the temple is pretty.

And finally all the flowers started blooming at the temple and on campus! It was gorgeous! I remember walking to campus one day during finals week and being stunned that the trees and grass actually looked alive!

...But we're ignoring the fact that it is snowing in Alpine as we speak.

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