Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Tourist in Provo

Lately I have been getting random desires to go back to Switzerland/Europe in general. I had the opportunity to go to Europe twice, once when we picked up my sister from her mission in Switzerland and again as a performer for Utah Ambassadors of Music. I loved experiencing the new cultures and the different auras of each place. As I pondered on exactly what I loved so much about Europe, I realized it wasn't as much the gorgeous buildings and the thousands of years of history. Nor was it being able to experience new foods and hear different languages spoken. Instead, it was the way I saw everything. I viewed the world with wonder, and with a photographer's eye. I saw things and took mental and physical pictures of them. I saw the beauty in houses, public transportation, clocks, even bike stands. When I realized this, I came up with the idea to do a Provo Project. For the next few weeks, I am going to see Provo and BYU campus from the eyes of a photographer-tourist. I'm going to actively look for the beautiful things in my own neighborhood rather than wishing to move to a different continent. My camera has found a permanent place in my backpack for when something catches my eye. I just need to remember to charge the batteries. :)

On Friday I got to attend the temple and do baptisms for the dead. Afterwards, as I walked home, I looked back at the temple and immediately stopped to take a picture. It was raining, my umbrella was close to flying away in the brisk wind, and my hair was still wet. But I managed to get the above shot. I like it because of all the lines in the photograph that point to the temple. I also like how even though it was a rainy, gloomy day, the view was still fantastic.

Stay tuned for more pictures to come!

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