Monday, March 10, 2014

JFSB and the HFAC

Looks like I'm speaking code, but I'm not. The following pictures were taken in, near, or around of the Joseph F. Smith Building and the Harris Fine Arts Center - the two buildings I spend most of my free time in. I took the first two picture the other day when it was raining, and I didn't want to go to the sociology lab to do homework, just yet.

Ha, guess what this is below! A bench! Weird bench, eh? I like all the lines.

For this next picture, I was walking to my guitar class in the HFAC when I saw this unusually empty courtyard. It is never this empty, and of course, as soon as I pulled out my camera people started trickling in and out of the doors. So I had to perfectly time it so no one was in the shot. I like the different colored tiles and all the windows in this picture. 

Anyways, that's all folks!

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